Wednesday 25 June 2014

Rally round the banner

The latest press release posted today by TDC takes us nowhere,


Latest update on the Royal Sands site, Ramsgate

On Thursday 20 February, Cabinet members at Thanet District Council agreed to terminate the Royal Sands site (Ramsgate) development agreement, in line with the recommendations of the Overview and Scrutiny Panel.
The council wishes to confirm that pursuant to those recommendations formal notice has been served on the developer’s solicitors requiring them to correct a breach of contract.
Cabinet Member for Financial Services and Estates, Cllr Rick Everitt, said: “I’d like to offer my strongest assurances to residents that we are doing all we can to progress matters.
“I can appreciate the frustration when it appears that things are not progressing as quickly as anticipated. However, the council is working hard behind the scenes and has a dedicated team in place who are driving this forward.
“There are a number of complicated legal issues which we are continuing to work to resolve. This does mean that we need to take the time to ensure we get the process right. It also means that we won’t be able to provide any further detail at this stage – to do so would only undermine the strength of our legal position and that’s not something I’m willing to risk.
“What I can confirm is that the council ?is committed to ensuring this matter is resolved as quickly as possible."


Due to the factors mentioned in the release the council will not be commenting further on this issue or putting anyone up for interview. Thank you for your understanding.

So that TDC understand that people in Ramsgate are getting tired of excuses we are planning to hold hands around the Pleasurama site from 5pm on the 6th July. We need at least 4 hundred people, man, women and children

Join us on Facebook search for Friends of Ramsgate Seafront


Anonymous said...

I doubt TDC are doing anything as with the 6 months delay on Dreamland.

Anonymous said...

Good luck with that!