Summary follows:-
It was AGREED:
1. THAT the S. 151 Officer be invited to attend the next meeting of the Group in order to answer questions; (be interesting having Sue answering questions)
2. THAT that meeting takes place in 4 to 5 weeks’ time;
3. THAT the Chairman emails Group Members as soon as possible, requesting that questions to be put to the S.151 Officer be submitted to him within 2 weeks of the date of his email;
4. THAT, when responding to the Chairman’s email, Group Members select,“Reply All”;
5. THAT the Chairman collates all Members’ questions and forwards them to the S.151 Officer as soon as possible after the 2-week period has expired.
6. THAT assurance be given at the next meeting of the Group that legal advice is under way. (what questions will the lawyers be asked)
7. THAT the Group considers inviting evidence in private session from a representative of the Friends of Ramsgate Seafront; (Is this just a pipe dream)
8. THAT the Group considers seeking evidence from Members of Cabinet at the time the Development Agreement and Deed of Variation were entered into and also the former Director of Regeneration Services; (does anyone think the likes of Ezekiel and Latchford will be forthcoming?)
9. THAT the Group consults with residents on any future options for the Pleasurama site. (got to get SFP removed first)
And so to rumours that building work will restart sometime soon being touted by various councillors. Interesting time of year to restart owing to the inclement winter weather but then it would make a built in excuse to ask for the extension until 2017